

Embratecno has operated for over 29 years covering all fields of applied engineering, performing inspections and expediting services in the boiler, mechanical and electrical engineering,  instrumentation, steel structures, valves and miscellaneous equipment, as well as Technical Reviews and Training in Manufacturing Firms.


Engaged in offering structure, training and manpower supply services, such as technical purchases for projects, maintenance purchases, and other support and related services.


The company has trained qualified and certified  professionals by Petrobras   SEQUI FBTS and SNQC such as Welding Inspector, Dimensional Control Inspector, Qualified Manufacturing Inspectors as standard N2033 Petrobras, Liquid Penetrant Non Destructive Testing,Magnetic Particle and Ultrasound.


Skilled professionals have been provided by the company to perform work abroad, as well as business partner based in major world capitals.


It currently has a staff of about 140 professionals, including engineers and highly qualified and experienced technicians. To keep the team updated with technological development, the company has incorporated "in house" courses by experts and/or senior technical staff itself.


Embratecno has acted in developments of large engineering and construction companies in Brazil, as well as in projects of companies in South America.


" Commitment to Quality" has always been its motto and to consolidate the commitment it has its Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of standard ISO 9001:2015.


It has been working with a highly trained administrative structure, agile and competent, which results in customer information in record time, fast decision making, high quality and low cost.



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